#DemystifyingData video series

We are very excited to launch our #DemystifyingData video series – hear from experts about a variety of data skills, what they mean, and who needs these skills!

Each video will explain one of the key data skills and describes which data persona will need it and how you can learn more. Join in the conversation on our social media pages and share your thoughts on these skills.

Joanna, Head of Data Innovation at Ofgem talks about visualising data to provide insight and tell stories through data.

Alex, Senior Data Ethicist at Ministry of Justice, talks about the ethical implications of using data to drive decision making.

Hear from Steph at Scottish AI Alliance as she discusses why data is becoming more important and can be used (and misused) by individuals, organisations and across society.

What are the different data roles in an organisation? Joanna, Head of Data Innovation at Ofgem talks about it.

Wondering about programming and what it is used for? Anselma, Senior Data Scientist at Royal London, explains the fundamentals of using programming for data engineering and analysis.


Anselma, Senior Data Scientist at Royal London tells us about how #DataProfessionals use programming skills for advanced analytics.

Rhona, Principal Solution Architect at Forth Point, talks to us about the importance of interpreting data and how we can trust data.

Joanna, Head of Data Innovation at Ofgem, continues the discussion about using data analysis tools to explore and take meaning from data.

Iain, Solutions architect at The Data Lab, explains the importance of data protection and legislation.

How do we use data to drive value for businesses? Brian, CEO at The Data Lab discusses this.

Interested in geospatial mapping? Simon from Improvement Service talks to us about using a geographical information system to import, edit, manipulate and present data.

What is data architecture and why is it important? Rhona, Principal Solution Architect at Forth Point, tells us,

We hope you’ve enjoyed our #DemystifyingData Video Series and it has helped you understand how everyone needs data skills. To find out more about the project and how we can help you upskill and reskill visit our programme page whether you are a learner or employer: https://dataskillsforwork.com/programme

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