Data Leaders Inspiring Change Scholarship 2023 Open

Data Skills for Work is delighted to offer two fully funded places on TDL’s Data Leaders Programme for Spring 2023 valued at £2,500 per scholarship

I wouldn’t have the same awareness of the potential of data without the programme. Having gone through it, I understand the value in data work and data roles.
— Data Leader, Class of 2021/22

Data Leaders Programme is designed for leaders in Scotland, working across businesses or organisations of any size who want to enhance their data skills, their teams, and outputs to influence and inspire change. It is open to all industries and all sectors. Everyone can benefit from having leadership that understands the power and influence of data.

During the course, our data and strategy specialists will help you build the knowledge and confidence you need to:

  • Leverage the power of data to help deliver your business goals and ambitions

  • Understand key issues in areas such as corporate culture, governance, ethics, strategic thinking and technology

  • Develop a dynamic data strategy and a plan for its successful execution

  • Attract, train and nurture the data talent you need

  • Ensure your business uses data optimally to innovate

    Read about the full programme here

Data Skills for Work strives to support underrepresented groups in the world of data and to ensure that people from all sectors have equal access to high-quality data skills training. To be eligible, applicants must:

  • Identify as a woman

  • Live or work in Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife, or the Scottish Borders

  • Belong to an ethnic minority within society or/and work for a charity

    Apply now

    Applications close end of 9th of December.

The Data Leaders course was essential for me to expand my knowledge and vocabulary, gain the confidence to assess projects, and develop a strong strategy. It made data accessible and easy to digest. I am able to bring new ideas to the Social Bite board and demonstrate the impact they will have.
— Jamie Boyd, Growth Programme Manager for Social Bite

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