Code Division Supporting displaced Ukrainians through the Data Skills for Work Provider Fund
Code Division is a non-profit social enterprise dedicated to combating digital inequality by providing high quality digital skills programmes to underserved communities. Since March 2020, Code Division has engaged with over 380 learners from diverse and disadvantaged backgrounds, with 79% being women.
Code Division joined The Data Lab’s Data Skills for Work Programme in 2021, initially offering places on a 16 week PDA in Data Science through our Data Skills Credits scheme and delivering the first cohort of graduates in Scotland for this new qualification. Since then, Code Division has delivered a number of shorter accredited data courses; Data and Advanced Excel, Python with Data, Data and Applied Statistics and Data and SQL. Since launching our Data Skills Credits Scheme in 2021, Data Skills for Work has supported 97 learners to undertake Code Division courses.
The most recent initiative in our partnership was a Data and Job Boost with Business English course for displaced Ukrainian women.
Data and Jobs Boost was an SQA accredited course specifically designed to support displaced Ukrainians seeking employment. The course supported 15 learners through a two week bootcamp where students were taught essential business English & communication skills, data analysis using business applications such as Excel, Sharepoint and Power BI, and how to design a creative CV & covering letter.
“I want to thank you and all your team for this wonderful opportunity to participate in the last course, Data & Job Boost for Ukrainians. It was informative, supportive and for me it was a chance to recall my capabilities since last year wasn’t easy for people like me. I consider this course like a great start and motivation push for my career in Scotland. So big gratitude for that.”
This partnership has enabled Code Division to directly support individuals from the Ukrainian community in the East of Scotland, and meet support organisations such as Edinburgh AUGB, Fife Voluntary Action, and Borders Council. Code Division recognises the opportunity to address Scotland’s data skills shortage while helping lift skilled individuals out of poverty and benefit dependency.