Filtering by: Data Professional

NPA Introduction to Data Science
to 17 Jan

NPA Introduction to Data Science

  • Online with Edinburgh College (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This course, gives you an introduction to Data Science, during the course, you will gather data and analyse datasets as well as learn to create visualisations of the results to present your findings, and report on what you have found and how it can make a difference to you or others.

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NPA Data Science with Python and R
to 31 Jan

NPA Data Science with Python and R

  • Online with Edinburgh College (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Data science is a multidisciplinary subject that combines, computer science, statistics and business knowledge - data science allows the generation of insights from data. This course in data science will cover each of the three key areas of the subject - domain knowledge, statistics and computer programming.

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Data Management Fundamentals: A beginner's guide to data success
to 3 Nov

Data Management Fundamentals: A beginner's guide to data success

  • Online with The Data Lab and The University of Edinburgh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This course provides an easy-to-understand introduction to the most important ideas in data management, including up-to-date examples and case studies to help you relate these ideas to what organisations are doing in this area. The concepts covered directly relate to how modern, data-focused businesses operate today.

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